Sometimes the boring parts of us are what make us interesting. I think one of the most interesting things you could know about a person would be to read their grocery lists. Every once in a while I’ll find one in a parking lot outside the grocery store on a trip to town and when that happens you’re given this weird, awkward, unedited, intimate look into a stranger’s life. You can break people into two groups—spies and not spies. Some are curious about the people around us. Others don’t care. I definitely care and I hope you care too. It’s better to care. In all aspects of life. Care. Keep yourself open. Be a camera, a detective, and a satellite. The world (and most people) can be wildly interesting if you care enough to look. The negative forces of life try their best to crush out our desire to look and to care. They want us useful, orderly, and pliant. Don’t let that happen. Write this in your notebook and tattoo it on the back of your hand—ALWAYS CARE.
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