This is Nate Perkins’ blurb for the back cover of my new book. (We ran out of space on the cover and had to cut it (and the rest of the blurbs) down to a couple lines. Here, below, is the whole thing.) I love Nate. Constant friend. Founder of Trident Press. Good brain. Fun-times guy. Mexico City resident. Author of three sweet-ass books everyone should own. (Get my new book here, okay?)
“Readers of Gnade’s ever-expanding body of work will be familiar with its exploration of the way landscape shapes our lives and humanity. As horizons shift or settle, his characters embrace the prairies, highways, shores, and cities in which they find themselves, pulling the earth to their shoulders like an old quilt, drawing from it their comfort and sustenance. In Your Friends Will Carry You Home, it’s the people—some new, some familiar— who become the rocky hills where we build our fortresses, the fertile valleys where we sow our hopes and desires. Rich in description and inspiring in its honest vulnerability, Gnade’s newest novel shows that our life is worth little without the community that nurtures and defends us.” -Nathaniel Kennon Perkins, author of Wallop