Good afternoon. It’s Sunday and I’m sick as hell. Got that respiratory thing… the flu or cold or whatever that’s going around. Why I rose from the coffin today is to deliver this conversation my friend Simon Moreton and I had.
Here’s a photo of his face:
Simon lives in Bristol, in the UK. He’s a writer and an illustrator and brings both those gifts to his lovely books. Reason I wanted to talk with him is his book Now is the Time to Know Everything was one of the best things I read last year. It’s beautiful, graceful, devastating. Just an incredible fucking book about one of the most awful, sad, painful things a couple of people can experience together. I read it straight through. I’ll read it again, I’m sure. You should buy a copy. If you’re in the US, do that here. If you’re overseas, do that here.
About this series: The Conversations Series is what it sounds like—transcribed conversations with people I like. Not interviews. Not journalism. Just a nice, in-depth talk about whatever’s going on in our lives. Usually about our work. Our books. But it’s definitely not limited to that. These come out Sunday afternoons because Sunday afternoon feels like a good time to read a long talk between two friends.
Other things—
-I was interviewed over at PopMatters about my books.
-My audio book record label has some new releases out.
Okay, that’s it. I’m too sick to type anything else. Read the conversation. Stay warm. Don’t get sick.
Also, you should follow Simon here on Substack