I met Rin Hart a couple years ago when they sent a few pieces of writing in for an audio compilation. I immediately asked if they’d do a full-length album of writing for my record label and they did. This was 2022. A very intense, painful, and formative year; personally speaking.
In the fall of that year I went on tour on the Pacific Coast out through the Midwest and back to the coast again. Rin joined me for a few of the readings and a bookfair and we became good friends during those days, and have continued to meet up in various cities and airports.
I love their writing of course and try my best to tell people about it and book readings together whenever I can.
Rin and I spoke at the end of last year over the course of a few weeks.
Below is a transcription of our conversation.
This will be one of the final installments of the Conversation Series.
Thanks for reading.
About this series: The Conversations Series is what it sounds like—transcribed conversations with people I like. Not interviews. Not journalism. Just a nice, in-depth talk about whatever's going on in our lives. Usually about our work. (But it’s definitely not limited to that.) These come out Sunday night because Sunday night feels like a good time to read a long talk between two friends.
Other things:
-My audio book label has released a poetry album by Danielle Freiman.
-I’m doing a very short book tour in June. Hitting up Bloomington, Indiana, Dayton, Ohio, places around that part of the world. Get in touch if you want to host a reading. First two weeks of June.
-My record label has tape recorders/players in stock again if you want one.
-Sequel to the Big Sad book is out now.