So I’ve switched my newsletter from Tinyletter to Substack. Kind of not sure how Substack works yet so this is just an intro I guess.
Reason you’re getting this is you were a subscriber to the old Tinyletter version.
Reason I’m sending this is because using social media apps makes me feel bad about the world and myself and I’m looking for other ways to get my work out there. Fighting the algorithm makes me want to hide in a hole somewhere. Fills me with a fresh kind of dread and I’m looking for alternates. I want something different than the frantic performative jackhammer of social media. Something slower, more human, quieter.
So, Substack?
We’ll see.
What’s up lately… I’m just back from a month-long tour with Lora Mathis, Matty Terrones, and Andrew Mears. It was all around very sweet. US, England, Wales. Broke my foot in London. That slowed me down, but I’ve got a kiddie pool and a cool ‘80s chaise lounge here at the farm and that helps. Trying to learn how to rest. It’s not easy. I have been relentlessly at work on book stuff my entire adult life. I need to learn how to balance work with existing. Twelve fucking books in, I’m feeling ragged.
Mostly my “rest” consists of reading, which is still work, because if you write you have to read constantly and widely, and it feels healthy.
Been reading the hell out of Durrell’s Avignon series. Started book three this morning.
Got signed to the Numero Group a few weeks ago so I’m getting into their back catalogue.
What else?
Here’s my newest stuff if you want to pick up a book or an audio book from my label or a shirt or something. (Please do. Summer is dreadful for book sales.)
Beyond that I’m on a book deadline and that’s kind of consumed my life. The deadline’s September first and I’ve been working around the damn clock on this one.
So back to that.
I’ll send a proper one of these next week or maybe the week after that or the week after that. We’ll see how it goes.
If you have any advice on using Substack let me know.
See you around.