This is super relevant to me, especially today. Was just having a conversation last night with a poet friend about how we only do non-creative work as much as we have to, to (mostly) pay the bills, but how sometimes when we’re really struggling we think about packing it in and getting Real Jobs that would give us a more stable life. But then we don’t because, well, as a different friend of mine once put it re: being a broke musician: “I fucked myself over at a young age, so I figured I better stick with it. I don’t want anything to fall back on…because then I’d have something to fall back on.”

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I think about packing it in constantly. Especially late at night when I can't sleep and I'm torturing myself with horrible thoughts. During the xxxxxxxxx lawsuit in 2013 I actually freaked out and applied to every single job I could find for months. I applied to the tiny local newspaper for an editorial job. I applied to be a janitor at Goodwill. I applied to bag groceries at Aldi. Was so desperate and so poor. Didn't get a single call back. Which was definitely for the best. Those were scary days and they lasted so fucking long. Scary years.

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